Wednesday, December 7, 2011

And a bottle of rum

Nuff said.

Bam, Zoom, Straight To The Mun

I have been addicted to Kerbal Space Program for a few days. Nothing like reaching your 13th rocket design and realizing its 4 in the morning.

Spy Games

Saw this Ad for the Playstation Phone and thought to myself "this guy looks a little too intense for receiving a call on his mobile gaming device"

i dont even know

So was bored and saw a picture on a news website and with my astounding MS paint skills;

Then after another few computer crashes;

It looks as if his face is being impacted by some unknown force. Maybe physical, maybe emotional. But what a force!


My real dad knows karate.. and is a gorilla.

Some Shoops

Just gonna start posting random Photo shopped pictures because I'm bored.