Pandorum is a sci fi horror. This genre is a little over populated but not populated well. Pandorum however is a shining diamond in a sea of writhing tigers.
And for those who enjoy a good scare but loathe the tension filled boring start that most horrors have you need not worry. Pandorum starts full of intrigue and mystery. The middle is well paced in such a way that you hardly notice the hour or so fly by. The end however is the master piece. When the final puzzle piece reveals the macabre mosaic you really do feel that you've been taken for an all inclusive ride.
I am a huge fan of sci fi, not so much for its track record of movies and more for its potential. I love seeing technology, realistic and fantastic alike. Pandorum is firmly on the realistic side of the tech with the few strays towards the fantastic saved for the most exciting concepts.
I am terribly afraid of giving too much away in this review so that it might ruin the winding maze of surprises in store, however i am equally afraid of not spending enough information leaving this review utterly useless. So before I topple over the cusp of revealment I will say Pandorum has heavy themes from other sci fi classics that have forged the genre ahead, that is not to say it is carbon copied and cobbled together. It feels more like a much needed refreshment of sci fi horror, starting where Advent Horizon and Alien left off.
So I say if you have any interest in sci fi or horror, you must treat yourself to this well crafted film. Its a great movie and will provoke a good talk on the ride home.