After months of waiting I finally got my hands on this game. It is good. I was expecting great. While I love certain elements of the game, the visual style, the soundtrack and the parts of the game where you actually get to run, there are parts that frustrate the hell out of me. While combat is annoying, I think that with practice I can master the controls and dispatch the police more easily. The most annoying thing for me is the constant stop start feeling in regard to game play. One minute your running for your life over rooftops, the next your stuck trying to jump up a crappy ledge in a warehouse. It sucks, and I hate it. As much as I love this game, I have to agree with The Sand People (as much as I don't want to ), it feels like part of a bigger game, not a game in itself. Having said that, I very much enjoy it, I think it has definite replay value and I can't wait to clock it so I can play again with a better understanding of the controls and environments.
6 out of 10.