I absolutely hate it when movies and TV shows over use the "Tarentino" start at the end technique. Sure its fine when its done right, but it seems that Tarentino is the only one who can use it right. Every one else fucks it up royally. Instead of inducing curiosity it just pretty much tells you what happens in the end. Its no longer original or "edgy" (what ever the fuck that means), instead its just annoying. In fact most of the time if you were to just cut the scene in which the movie shows you what's inevitably going to happen at the end it wouldn't even matter, no one would notice. It would surely save you from having to endure 10 minutes of "what the fucks going on".
Although this is incredibly annoying what really, really chaps my ass is when a movie begins at the end, then starts back at the beginning and then when it reaches the end again it plays through the whole start scene again as if it expects the average viewer to forget what they saw and hour and a half before. Again this can work if its done right (eg: snatch) but most of the time its not.
So to wrap this up; Flash Forward is the worst TV show idea that has ever been uttered from Satan's anus.